Friday, June 26, 2015

It's ok to act normal

As I end my second week at work it's been difficult to say the least. It's ok to not ask me how Ryan is doing. I actually would prefer it. People at work have been great but I think everyone has gotten the initial " welcome back, how is Ryan doing" out of the way so let's get back to business. Work has been a great distraction for me. It is hard when people treat me differently now when they see me. They have a sad look on their face, act super extra nice or give me a pathetic look. I don't want to be treated differently. I know everyone cares and wants to know what's going on but it's exhausting to talk about. I breathe is every second of my life and to not talk about it even for 5 minutes is refreshing. So please, I know everyone cares and is interested but use this blog to check in on how Ryan is doing. I write this to share with everyone how We are doing. And remember, even if I say Ryan is doing well today, it doesn't make all of this any easier. Everyday is a huge mountain that my family is climbing and We are extremely thankful for everyone's support to help us climb upward.

A couple of pictures to end the week. Happy 8 weeks to our sweet sweet Ryan who amazes us everyday.

Xo Andrea Shawn and Ryan 

1 comment:

  1. Andrea and Shawn, I love the pictures of you holding Ryan!!! I am sure it's totally exhausting and I think about you a lot. Not sure how you do it, but try to remember that every hurdle you jump is a stepping stone to Ryan coming home. Be well everyone and happy 8 weeks Ryan!!!! Marisa
