Monday, June 15, 2015

Back to life....back to reality

Back to reality is right. Today was my first day back to work and the day went really really well. It's always overwhelming anyways coming back after being out from a vacation never mind having a baby unexpectedly.  I only had almost 200 emails that I needed to really read and make sense of ( thanks boss for deleting the junk otherwise I would of had 1,000+ and I probably would have turned around and walked out for the day lol) I'm sure there were 75 reminder emails in there from Chet about rising stars and pizza :) Thank you to those that stopped by my desk to welcome me back. Also thank you for the texts. It made me smile when I got them that you thought of me!  I was reminded today how lucky I am to work at such a great place. Below is a picture of the beautiful flowers from Melissa, light pink peonies, my favorite. Oh yes on that note....I put the flowers on the floor in my car and had to slam on my breaks behind an awesome driver in Manchester on bridge st. The entire thing tipped over and I think a gallon of water spilt all over my passenger side floor. Oh well, the floor needed a good washing anyways. I know my priorities have shifted when it didn't even phase me that I dumped the water! 

Ryan is 3 lbs today!!! Shawn got to snuggle with him tonight. His legs are starting to really look like soccer legs....yessss! And he has Shawn's ears we all confirmed, attached earlobes and all. Shawn learned what these were tonight. His belly is still big but overall doing well. Once the belly is fixed then we can work on the lungs and hopefully take out his breathing tube.  

Xo Andrea Shawn and Super Baby

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, Andrea and Shawn, what a beautiful picture (this picture speaks volumes)! You sure can't put a price tag on this picture!! It was great seeing you at work on Monday. I'm so glad that Ryan is 3lbs of pure love and joy. He is one lucky little peanut to have both of you as parents. It's truly amazing that when life throws you a curve ball your priorities change and you find out what truly matters in life. Thank you Andrea, Shawn and Ryan for allowing us to peak into your window of life!! Marisa
