Monday, June 29, 2015

First eye exam...check ✔️

Count it! Ryan (and his parents) caught a break! He crushed his eye exam. He did so well  and I'm very thankful for Shawn who help Ryan's hand while I sat in the hallway trying to collect myself. I tried hard to be strong and watch it but I spared everyone and stepped outside when I got hot, my feet got cold, and I felt like I was going to puke. When I saw his heart rate equal his O2, see ya in a few! Lol Thank goodness Shawn can deal with that stuff. Like the time they were trying to find a vein for an IV. I was holding his hand and the nurses kept saying "mom are you ok, mom are you ok" yup I'm fine....20 seconds later,mom you ok, yes I'm going to do this....and then um I think I need to sit down. Darn it! Well I tried and that's all that matters! Anyways....Ryan was at stage ZERO for his eye exam which is good. No issues for this week. He will have an exam every week for awhile, fantastic. Maybe next week I'll try to watch. Dr. Gold was wonderful and the first thing he said when he was about to put the eye drops in Ryan's eyes "boy he's fiesty huh?" First thing I thought of is, this guy is smart and knows Ryan well already. If you can't pick up on that about him while working with him, you have a problem lol. 

Goal of the week, take a poop and eat some food. 2 things that I will pop a bottle of champagne or chug a beer for when they happen. Today is day 42/42 of his antibiotics so 2 less mess after today...amen!!!

Ryan is 4 lbs... Crazy crazy I can't believe it. A fun fact for the day, when Shawn holds Ryan he brushes his hair with is beard. Now Ryan loves having his hair combed when he gets his hands on. Temperature, clean his mouth, change his diaper and a combover.....So cute! 


  1. Andrea and Shawn thank you for sharing Ryan's life. Amazing, simply amazing that Ryan is 4lbs. Every hurdle that you are able to overcome is truly a blessing. Ryan has been through so much, and he's "crushing" every step and procedure!! He truly has two very special parents who have witnessed a miracle everyday in Ryan's feistiness!! I know I can't wait to meet him. My thoughts are with you and your family everyday. Marisa

  2. I took my son for his first eye exam, and he was so nervous because he didn't want to ge glasses. The staff were so nice to him, and he had a good time by the end of the appointment. He wear really cool glasses now, and he is ready to go back even though we only need to go once a year.

    Doris Gibbs @ Moody Eyes

  3. Thank you so very much for sharing this part of your life with the readers. You and your family are very blessed and I know Ryan will be well very soon. We had a similar thing happen with our younger daughter and I know what pressure it puts on us parents. My husband had a hard time. Thank you again.

    Jennifer Bell @ Clarity Vision - Smithfield, NC

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